Friday, January 9, 2015


Hey friends.  I owe you a post, but I'm kind of at a loss as to what I should write about.  Life has been pretty busy lately, but hey, no real complaints here.  The busier I am the less time I have to think about the fact that my wedding is in less than 200 days!  Ahh!  This is still completely surreal to me.  I mean, I've been an *adult living on my own for a few years now; I know how to pay bills, go grocery shopping, pay my taxes, etc. but in some ways I still feel like a kid...and now I'm getting married?!  Is this real life?

Anyways, wedding planning took kind of a stand still for a bit.  Hopefully this weekend Stephen and I will get a chance to sit down and bang out a few more details.  We're also going to visit my folks in about 2 and a half weeks, and I'm so pumped!  I can't wait to show him around and introduce him to the crew back home.  I'm also super excited because we get to take out one of my old students while we're there (probably for sushi, which is great!) so I'll get to say hello to all my old boys.  I miss them so much it's kind of ridiculous.

We're currently looking into photographers and were supposed to meet with one today...unfortunately my email SUCKS and didn't actually send my email asking if we could meet tonight...SO we'll just have to meet next week which is fine too.

Ok running out of ideas to write about now.  Bye.

I could't let Stephen be the only one with a mustache...

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