Monday, September 15, 2014

Thoughts on Oregon

Now that I've been in Oregon for a couple weeks, I feel compelled to publish some of my random thoughts regarding the differences (or at least my subjective impression of differences) between here and Boston.

  • Drivers are much more courteous here (like, people STOP to let you make a right or left turn out of a driveway...what's up with that?!?!?!)
  • There is no humidity.  Stop, I know you're going to try to convince me this is the most humid Oregon's been in years, but just stop.
  • Roads can be VERY steep.  My poor baby car hates it.
  • A lot of roads have very abrupt deep ditches on either side of them (especially out in the boondocks where I live).  It's kind of scary, but I assume they're for drainage purposes?
  • I live in the boondocks (like, dirt roads, farmland, cattle and horses boondocks) but can reach downtown in maybe 15 minutes without traffic.  If I drive 20 minutes in the other direction I can see beautiful trees and waterfalls...WHAT?!
  • There are a LOT of churches out maybe 100 within 7 minutes of my house.  It's really bizarre.
  • Everyone loves the Ducks.  I've heard some people like the Beavers (rival football team) but I've seen maybe 1 Beaver hat for every 100 Ducks.
  • Boston is OLD.  In fact, Massachusetts in general is old.  I just found out that the town I live in has only been a town for like 7 years.  I didn't even know we were still naming new towns!!
  • You can't pump your own gas in Oregon.  I knew this from my previous trips out, but it still confuses me.  Why can't I pump my own gas?  Are you afraid I'll do it wrong?  How much trouble will I really be in if I just sneak out and pump it myself?

I'm sure I have more random thoughts...but I can't think of them right now.  I'll let you know.

Also, I can officially go to work in 8 days.  I'm so excited!

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