So, I started thinking of this post last night, but it's taken me a full 24 hours to think clearly enough to actually write it coherently.
Yesterday I had a bad day.
Now, it really wasn't anything major. Everything will probably just sound silly after I write it down, but believe me when I say that it felt pretty terrible at the time.
I woke up unnaturally early for a Saturday with no plans. I think I was out the door to the gym by 8am or something...and I'd already cleaned some of my house and started a load of laundry before I left. That was fine. I was oddly productive that morning; my house was cleaned, laundry finished, groceries purchased and stew bubbling away in the crockpot before 11am. Oh wait, I sliced off a good chunk of my thumbnail while prepping the stew. That sucked. But oh well, just an excuse to go get my nails done, which was awesome. (I replaced my sparkly green with a sparkly gray/blue. It's fantastic and reminds me of a winter princess.) Day's going well so far.
I got really bored then, since I'd accomplished a full day's errands and it wasn't even 1pm yet. I studied a little and started binging on The Office while knitting. Good.
My stew smelled so good, I couldn't stand it. It was finally ready (and I'd made cornbread, BOO YEAH!) and I dished some up...but then I realized I left my phone on the table. I went to grab it and BOOM. It slipped out of my hand and landed face down on the floor. No big deal, it's happened a thousand times. Apparently 1001 is the magic number...I could see the screen popping out a little as I picked it up. I popped it back in and prayed it would work. The buttons didn't make screen turn on. I ran upstairs and plugged it in. The screen glowed faintly and my phone gave a little vibration to let me know it was charging...but it still wouldn't show anything on the screen.
"My phone is toast!" I cried, panicking more than a little. I sent out SOS messages using my computer's iMessage feature and started frantically googling solutions. Long night short--my phone's screen was totaled, but the insides apparently worked because I was able to get one last backup from it.
Stephen finally responded that his brother could probably fix it. Great. Take a deep breath Molly, everything is going to be fine. Just go put away the clean dishes.
I reach into the cupboard to put away plates, and an entire stack comes tumbling out, shattering everywhere and terrifying my cats. Well this sucks, I mutter as I clean up the shards and carefully survey the floor for any bits that might get stuck in my or my cats' feet. Mess un-messed, I make my way back to my computer to see if I have any messages. I look down at my white table and realize that the broken plate nicked my finger and there's blood everywhere, even underneath my computer (sorry if that's gross). I set about trying to clean up the blood and bandage my finger.
I'm getting grumpier by the second. Broken iphone, broken plates, bleeding finger. Now I'm not even hungry for my dinner anymore. I want to text or call Karen, but she doesn't have iMessage anymore, and I can't make calls with a broken phone. It's also quite late in Boston by this time.
Then I start thinking about the upcoming holidays, and how this will be my first set of holidays EVER that I don't even have the option to spend them with my family. (Well, I guess I do have the option, but driving 45 min after a 6 hour shift is a little different from a 3000 mile plane ride at $700+.) I'm getting grumpier and grumpier. And sad. Molly is having a bad day--like, don't try to talk to me, just give me a hug kind of day.
I'd like to just leave this post here since it's getting kind of long (and I haven't posted a single picture, which is weird, but there isn't much that goes with a bad day story) but that seems anticlimactic.
Today was better. I was grumpy about a couple things, but they don't really matter that much, maybe I'll write about them another time. I will say that I did the most grown up thing ever today...I signed up for my own phone plan! AT&T isn't great out here, and I figured this would kill 2 birds with one stone. I switched to T-Mobile and they are just fantastic. They'll pay my ETFs at AT&T, and they got me set up so quickly! I love my new phone.
I also want to just take the time and note that I am very fortunate. I'm sad that I won't see my family for Thanksgiving. But I am also just overwhelmingly blessed to have Stephen and his family who are welcoming me into their family celebration, no questions asked. I'm also blessed to have an amazing house, wonderful neighbors, a job, money, more clothing than I know what to do with, and two lovable cats to keep me warm at night. Yesterday was a bad day, yes. I was (and still am a little bit) upset and yeah, more things will probably bother me in the upcoming days, weeks, months, and year. But the important thing I need to keep reminding myself is that I am unbelievably blessed.
Thanksgiving will probably be a good post in and of itself, so I'll leave this here! There may be a post in between, but who knows. Maybe I'll just post some random pictures since this post was so wordy.
Namaste and remember to count your blessings. Even when you're having a bad day.
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